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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Personal Branding and Personal IP

Personal branding according to personalbranding.com means “the conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of an individual by positioning them as an authority in their industry, elevating their credibility, and differentiating themselves from the competition, to ultimately advance their career, increase their circle of influence, and have a larger impact.”  

Self media gives real estate negotiators a chance to operate like an influencer with their own personal branding helping to generate a follower base worth commercial values.  Personal branding is the main catalyst for low cost private traffic to advance in real estate negotiators’ career.  Heavy reliance on buying insanely expensive leads from social media can now be avoided. 

Building personal branding with short videos is trending because most property buyers are aged below 35 years old and prefer to watch short videos against other forms of media.  To build outstanding personal branding short videos, the concept of Personal Intelligent Properties (Personal IP) must be integrated to maximize results.

Personal IP is defined as intangible creations of the human intellect belonging to a person and usually consists of the following 5 elements.

  1. Visual Hammer

They use unique visuals allowing viewers to remember them easily.  Type of unique visual can be – beauty, muscle man, face scars, wear sunglasses, wear a special hat, etc

  1. Verbal Nail

They create their own signature quotation or use funny voices to grab viewer attention.  They can create quotations like “A successful home buyer is so easy” at the end of every video creation with a special tone.  Whenever viewers listen to this phrase, they can relate this quotation to the personal branding.

  1. Brand Name

The personal brand name has to be unique, easy to pronounce, remember and Insensitive to Religion and Politics.  Good brand names can be “Property Uncle” “KL Property Sifu” etc.

  1. Signature Move

Often we see cartoon characters or WWE wrestlers perform a signature move like Ultraman-like-stunts, the Rock’s elbow stunt.  Viewers get very excited when they see these stunts as they can relate to their personal IP.  Real estate negotiators can consider their signature move too to build a strong branding.  Maybe talk with eyes closed?

  1. Unique logo / photo

Real estate negotiators personal branding should have a recognizable logo design with attractive colours.  This is a brand identity.  A good logo is memorable, differentiates, and fosters brand loyalty

Real estate negotiators can reference below how a car foreman generates leads for his workshop in China without mentioning a single word about his car servicing service yet getting overwhelming business leads!  

The foreman outstanding personal IP in all his videos can be break down as below

Visual Hammer (Focus informing viewers he is a car foreman)

  • Always in a car workshop
  • Always using a car workshop hammer as a microphone
  • The same unique hairstyle
  • Always using car parts as music instruments.  
  • Always have workshop oil stain everywhere on his body

Audio Nail

  • Always sing the most popular song where audiences can recognize and sing along with the video to the end to trigger platform algorithms to rank the video higher for more organic traffic.

Most Important

Assume real estate negotiators have created innovative videos and attracted many leads, other than saving these valuable “seed” leads into their own excel sheet, or phone contact or Whatsapp contact which can become messy when volume builds up, they should use Listingmine to manage their leads professionally to grow their business with many upselling tools like providing client’s portfolio marketing value updates, referral programs, bulk purchase program, tenancy management, portfolio management etc.

Marvin Foonghttps://listingmine.com/academy
Listingmine founder from Malaysia. Passionate with international real estate.

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